Student Autonomous Underwater Competition-Europe |
SAUC-E is a European competition where teams have to design and build an autonomous robot submarine to complete a number of tasks. The task of building an AUV is far more complicated than any terrestrial robot project due to the water messing up everything.
Having a medium such a water leads to;
- Leaks (obviously)
- Distorted camera colors
- Limited wireless communication with the user to relay data. Below 1 meter most RF are absorbed.
- Needs expensive: sonar to scan the surroundings, gyro-super-compass module, depth sensor and connectors for components ouside the robot
- Odometry sucks and is proportional to the sonar and compass sample quality
Video coverage of the competition on BBC website. Our team shown for a few seconds at 20s through the video.
UWE project website
DSTL website
Submarine Competition Images